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very intersesting early animation, very nice to watch, the random mouth movements seemed strange, but I don't think they detracted to much from the flash overall. I think that there was a good overall fell to this one partially due to the background music, The one thing that bothered me, is that I couldn;t tell if this was a comedy about cats in chinese food or a tragedy.


interesting concept, I guess but the overall animation was a bit boring, and generic. This was a relatively early submission though, so I can't really hold it against you.


kinda funny still but not as good as the first one, I think that there is a problem with overlapping audio, but I guess after 9 years you already know that.


I used to watch that show as a kid, this reminds me a lot of Robert Smigel's fun with real audio on saurday night live. Great one here man, the shit is so wrong but funny.


until I read the comments I was under the impression that there was a 7 year break from flash submission, I see I was wrong, I know it probably won't happen, but please come back to newgrounds eventually. This was awesome. The scene at the end really left me wanting more, but I guess I won't ever get it, oh well I suppose, also special thanks to Cyprus.

Don't count yourself out

Yeah this may be old and have some primitive animation techniques, but I think that adds a lot of nostalgic charm to these early submissions, I see scrotum is evolving each episode to be less of a victim of his circumstances, I wish there were more of these, but I guess, I'll go check out the last one now. I know it's none of my business, but why the 7 year hiatus from flash submission, your stuff is uniquely funny, and defintely worth it's salt.


The whole concept of the dogs behaviour cracks me up, this was very amusing, and these seem to keep getting better and better, I think I'll watch the other 3 tonight.


The "final cigarette bit cracked me up, being performed by a dog, good character designs for the gangsters too, and overall just plain old silly and fun to watch.

Poor little bastard

So this is the first submission through the portal, wow, it's funny to think I used to go to newgrounds as a kid back when there was no portal even, so people don't confuse the first portal entry with the first thing on newgrounds. Anyway, cool short, cute puppy, and the carnage reminescent of the original newgrounds spirit.


I totally dug all the expressions on both the gorrillas and the chimp, very cool drawing style man, very cartoony, also, the part with the gatling guntearing peices out of the gorillas was very well done, keep up the good work.

Ben Sydnor @El-Syd

Age 38, Male

San Diego, CA

Joined on 9/9/08

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