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nice but a bit short

good work on the angle changes during frame by framing, it seemed good. The whole thing seemed a bit short, but I suppose it probably matched the poem you based it on. Either way though, nice work.

SERATO responds:

thus it is that tapeworm just a short time to do it soon hare but long ones


This is a cool monologue, I dig the lions fro, and general demeanor, kinda reminds me of myself just sitting around smoking and brooding, cool fbf too.

Oh yeah

I can definitely apreciate the enhancements here, it really adds a lot more to the mood and also makes it a much smoother transition to part two style wise. I know you did the two parts about two years apart, but even if it takes another two for part 3 please PM me when you release it.

Oh yeah

so this is the beginning eh? Definitely a cool start to the series, after watching this, I'm looking forward to part 3 even more. You do a really good job with leaving the audience wanting more.

Professional grade

Awesome animation combined with your great penchant for storytelling, the dark mood of this animation really added to its overall appeal, I have to go check out part one now so I don't slip behind. Also, I see form your authors coments that you did the music too, you really put a lot into this, and it really shows.

Kick Ass

Very groovy man, you picked the perfect music for this flash it really matched up well with the scenes, animation was great and overall just really cool and fun to watch.

Sweet promo

From what I've seen the game looks like it'll be pretty cool, great character design by the way.

Pure gold from start to finish

This was awesome all of it it really was very random and dreamlike and basically just kicked ass.

Very short but awesome fbf

Very cool, nice music too, what framerate do you use?

SimonG responds:

I think it was 30 at this one.

Ben Sydnor @El-Syd

Age 38, Male

San Diego, CA

Joined on 9/9/08

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