View Profile El-Syd

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Very short and drawings could've used a bit more attention, but it was very cute and sweet and really does a good job of representing what it feels like to have to live far away from your friends.


Both drawing and animation could use work, and it seemed like the intro dragged on a little to long for such a simple joke, but it was cute and had a good sense of holiday spirit. Ithought it was funny how instead of murder, he just handed her the candy cane, that was pretty good,

trytan responds:

Thanks for the advice. I'll do much better next time. And u know what. . . . . . ? That SHOULD'VE been a better idea of giving her the cane instead. Lol


Drawings seemed a bit out of proportion, and animation could've been smoother, you may want to try a higher frame rate in your next animation, also, don't forget to use the onionskin option located under the timeline to see what was in the previous frame.

FEAR25X responds:

thanks for the review :) and i'll make a higher frame rate next time, the animation didnt seem choppy to me lol


That one made me chuckle, nice expressioning, and great timing with your humor.

WiggityWagster responds:

lol that was what i was going for ty :)


nice use of special fx, and really good use of 3-d space as well, I can already tell you will be in the top tier of sprite animators, and your character drawings were pretty nice too, so you should try some drawn flashes as well if you get the chance. Either way, keep it up, you're doing a good job so far.

kawaiiminda responds:

Thank you And I'll Get more in to the drawing thing too! ^__^


Yeah, I remember seing the pacman one, and thinking it was cool. The third one though with the guy snapping I think was my favorite of these four it was simple, but really nicely done.


Pretty good, it brought back a lot of old memories of playing nemesis, you did a really good job at this, I only wish it was longer.

shiguy-master responds:

I am going to treat of that the second part is slightly long


dirty little elves

This was pretty good, I especially dug how the elves conspired against their cruel taskmaster, and the breaking it up into sections thing was a pretty good idea since it really gives the audience time to "soak in" each scene.


some of the facial features seemed a little "off" or unbalanced, her left eye in particular, and it was kinda short. but it was a good fbf practice, and I can tell that you will probably be making some really cool cartoons in no time at all.

Ben Sydnor @El-Syd

Age 38, Male

San Diego, CA

Joined on 9/9/08

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