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Nice ending

You rarely see an angle change in this type of flash, that's what makes this flash stand out from most other sprite flashes, well done.

Khonjin responds:

It had to be done. I knew I wouldn't be able to end this flash without an angle change. So I did XD


ok flash,but really theres almost no actual animation at all. It is very creative though, on the plus side.


Nice camera effects and perfect timing on the hit.


Drawing style is good, narration is ok,could use some audio editing, but you have a good narration voice. Animation should be a bit more animated, but overall I could defininitely see this being a series, and you definitely found the right place to start the story. Best of luck with your next episodes.

pretty good

I liked the pandas facial expression, when the gun was drawn, the eyes were freakin' hilarious.

lots of fun

I love this popsickle stick take on a classic, it turned out really funny. All of the technical stuff you said you were having problems with will get a lot easier over time other than that, your comedic style is perfect, and I cant wait for your next flash.


not terrible animation, but altogether pointless. You've shown just enough information to let people know you have good animation skills, but that you are wasting them. You can Obviously animate something better with skills like yours, there is no reason to post 3 second loop tests.


Not terrible, but not really original at all, just a lot of effects, There was no animation of anyone actually getting hurt or anything, until maybe the very end I guess, but even then they both just fell over and that was it. You need to have something happen like dialogue or an actual story, also as a sidenote, this is good for being your second flash, but do realize comet vs blood sounds more like an ad for comet brand cleaner about gettting blood out of a carpet or something than it does a fight scene. Anyway, develop a story to go along with it, your animation is good, you just need direction.


That was good, I loved the character's facial expression when his friend popped out of nowhere, also, nice comic turnaround with the "nevermind"

shadradson responds:

When I had started making this movie, I had something totally different in mind.
Then I threw that weirdo guy in for some reason.

I thought that would be an appropriate facial expression for that. XD


good use of music, for the action scenes, animation was fine, but the drawing style seemed a bit too common or generic, which yes can be very sucessful, but don;t be afraid to add a little bit more of a personal touch.

Ben Sydnor @El-Syd

Age 38, Male

San Diego, CA

Joined on 9/9/08

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