View Profile El-Syd

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Pretty good

Nice graphics and good sense of movement, altogether well done.

Nice e card

definitely brimming with christmas spirit. This is pretty good, you should make a collection and encourage people to download/send to their friends/family. It's probably a good way for an animator to get their name out there so they'll be more recognizable.

ewaldhew responds:

how to do that? anyway i'm passing this on to my friends and tell them to pass it on


good, but it seemed like it should've been longer or had more too it. a good start for sure, looking forward to whatever you come out with next. also, this could easily make a series if you wanted to. People would watch it.

short but good

You may want to consider putting multiple shorts in a compilation, because somepeople are offset by the shortness, I judge on quality though so, 9/10 from me, and keep up the animation you have a good cartooning style.

TheSpicanator responds:

will do
thanks a lot


it seemed ok, but not too original in any way, if you're going to use preexisting characters you might as well make your own drawings, and if you're going to use sprites, you should have them do something unexpected or out of the ordinary. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against sprites, but even the most sucessful sprite animations were the ones where the animator has given the character new or interesting traits that perhaps weren't part of the original character's archetype, therby making the character their own. You have a lot of skill on sprite animation, make sure you use your crativity too though, not just a rehashed fight scene.

Top notch

I've been thinking aboutsea shanty based flashes, you definitely pulled it off quite well. Good animation style to go with the music it all seems to come alive quite well. Looking forward to your future animation.


this was fucking funny. you really pulled it off well. The part with the face passing through the bars on the rooftops must've taken a while to do. keep up the good work man.


that was damn good, you're definitely ready for some non stick stuff, but if you keep doing sticks it's cool too, just don't let them hold back your animation style though.

Well made

This turned out really good, you should definitely keep animating.

CyanideBreathmint responds:

Thank you.

Ben Sydnor @El-Syd

Age 38, Male

San Diego, CA

Joined on 9/9/08

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