cute little animation, not too impressive visually, and the screen was ultra small, also it was very short, but the story was fun to watch, at least while it lasted. not bad.
cute little animation, not too impressive visually, and the screen was ultra small, also it was very short, but the story was fun to watch, at least while it lasted. not bad.
Your drawing was alright, but it wasn't very good animation, and it was neither a movie nor a game, plus it was only like 2 seconds long all in all.
It didn't make any sense, yes I understood what was happening, it just wasn;t coherent, and on top of that the animation was very fast and not very good, you had the character just sliding around his legs didn't even move as he walked, I've seen worse, but this still looked like it could have used more effort.
it's been done
Physics of Flash (new) by JMartin97 came out 1 day before this flash, and it's the same basic idea, yes it's a funny one but plagarism just looks bad. Yeah some of the details are a little different, but in the end it's the same joke.
but this wasn't much more impressive than the demo screen, the drawings werre okay, but the animation could have been way better, not to mention the complete lack of any sound whatsoever, which just comes off as lazy considering how easy it is to put sound in flash.
Nice handdrawn style, good work on the lipsynch and the sense of humor of having the character actually announce that its a test.
That was good, seriously, if someone is too easily offendable, they just should go to sites that won't offend them rather than bitching about it and trying to ruin everyone elses fun. Like yeah there is a line that shouldn't be crossed, but for some people their tolerance level is way too low, funny flash man, nice ending as well/
Age 39, Male
San Diego, CA
Joined on 9/9/08