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hmmm I definitely wouldn't call you a rip off of smbz, so you are right to assert yourself about this in your flash. I wouldn't really call either series original though, since they don't use original characters, just pre-existing ones that someone else already made up. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that both this and smbz aren't good series, because they both are, and a lot of work went into both of them, I'm just saying that if you don't create your own characters you can't really claim originality. Interesting flash by the way.


Drawing was decent, animation was... a bit unanimated. You spelled plague ; plauge. and plage, be careful about this sort of thing, because it can make your flash seem childish and like you didn't put any effort into it even if you (maybe) did. The voice acting was also a bit sloppy.


This flash was bodacious, definitely brought back some memories.


A nice vid and well animated but the style seems a bit generic compared to some of your others.


I've always liked this song, and this was the most interesting animated text flash I've seen here on newgrounds. The timing was perfect. How many layers did you end up having to use for the single letter dropdowns and such?

cheshirecat1582 responds:

Oh god.... Ummm Like maybe 7 layers... But allot of the text is its own graphic so It would keep it nice and neat... Im pretty annal about layers... A single movie wont have more then 5-7 layers or else I get too confused... Thanks for your review!!! Lol I love the song also... Im thinking about finishing it... well at least adding on to it... dont know if i can keep my attention span for the full 18 min... Lol Thanks again for the review!!!


reeally good so far, but it seems rather inconclusive and unfinished. add music and visual cues to let the audience truly knows where your idea begins and ends. also, I wanted to say that this is really nice frame by framing. It may seem productive to get feedback before the final submission is done, but when you put out the final one, it may get a deceptively lower rating, because if people have already seen the "preview" the final piece may seem less novel.

bonkanailios responds:

yeah, I have been animating for ages now and I came back to newgrounds and saw these old little films I used to do.... usually taking about 3-5 hours each. I liked them alot and decided to stop being goal driven or content driven for a little while and just animate some shit. He has birdfeet and that never fails to make me laugh. Thanks for the time you took aside to veiw the piece.

Ben Sydnor @El-Syd

Age 38, Male

San Diego, CA

Joined on 9/9/08

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