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half boring and half funny, due to the lack of interesting animation and the abundance of hilarious lines of text in the conversation taking place, well done, I guess, you got a bit of a laugh out of me.


I could see this as being funny to some people since it was your seventh grade teacher or whatever, but as an animation in general, it wasn't to great, and inside jokes are rarely worth putting in the public eye, as most people won't get them at all.


I think we've all seen that old joke way too many times, not funny and very predictable, drawings weren't terrible, but animation pretty much was.


Almost amusing, just in it's strangeness, the intro, with the unplugged rototiller thing was a little too long though, but this was a strange animation, that was kind of interesting, but ultimately, just a bit too random.


but neither the drawing, nor animation, nor "story" were even close too being decent here. The soud was okay, but it's not really like you made it since it was just audio from the game.

funny inventions

good descriptions and funny animations of products, but aside from the first produce, there was very little animation, good choice of music I guess. One thing I was impressed with I have to say, was your website, Ratatak.com, (and to those who are wondering, no that is not an unrelated website, since this flash links to it.) I can see you've made a lot of progress these last nine years animation wise, and now you seem to be a true professional. Don't forget Newgrounds though, it would be nice to see some of your more recent works come back to good ol' Newgrounds.

nothing happened

There was just like a title screen and an opening logo animation of a bat flying into a screen, but then nothing happened after that, I don;t know if the bat flying into the screen was supposed to be the main animation or something, but I really don't think that cuts it.


unimaginative, It seems like it was somewhat fun to make maybe, but there's just so much stuff like this, that it all kind of blurs together to the point where none of it is memorable. For a stick flash you did a decent job of animation though.


It all goes by much too quickly, I had to watch it twice to be sure I didn't just miss something, but I guess not. The story seems random at best fat man in chair thinking about a chick, but then realizes he's thirsty, then kids are playing outside as a comet comes crashing down or something. There might be a depper story behind it, but don't expect the viewer to be able to guess what it is without being more descriptive about what is going on and why.

Ben Sydnor @El-Syd

Age 38, Male

San Diego, CA

Joined on 9/9/08

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