View Profile El-Syd

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Oh yeah!!!

It's nice to see some real authentic animation. Very well done to great drawing and movement, Nice "punchline" too, the guys face was great, ugly, but great. I look forward to seeing more of your stuff, by the way, how long did that take to draw, and at how many frames per second was it?

alexapdos responds:

We had about a month to do this, though combined with all the other projects I had and all the procrastination I did, it's probably worth a week or two of diligent work. The last couple days were a bit of a crunch, haha. And most of it was shot on two's. The only parts that were on three's were the sun's scene and the short bit of the flower waving his leaf!arm.

Also, thanks for the review. I'm glad you liked it :D


Nice commercial, vitamins maybe, but fruit flavored coffee would be sick. hahaha, anyway, seems good, good choice of music, and nice use of color effects/

jhelts responds:

haha. thought so. i wonder if that could be possible. thanks man, ^^

CS4 I take it?

This turned out really well, your professors should be impressed. Nice opening credits by the way, also, nice choice with the closeup of the arm and watch, that was killer. Can't wait to see what all you make after graduation.
by the way, congrats

Sunspot01 responds:

Naw, still CS3 with Flash and some Photoshop. I wants CS4 though...the rigging tools look interesting.


... as always. I dig your subtle humor, it always gets me, keep up the great flash guys.

Ghosty22 responds:

Sure thing!

not bad

pretty funny but there seemed to be a few technical flaws, i.e. hat in cab door. Altogether pretty good, and I can tell you spent a good amount of time on it. Looking forward to more.

Stephen-Kitty responds:

Gawd I just noticed the hat thing. .____. Well your the only person who alerted me so I think it wont be much of a problem to the other newgrounds public people.


NIce, good animation and voicework, but it ends a little too abruptly. Let me know when you release part two

Complete masterpiece

I would go into detail, but... suffice it to say everything here is excellent. Can't wait to see pt 2.

Nice drawings

You have the skills, you should create your own characters, marios cool, but, you can do more.

Ben Sydnor @El-Syd

Age 38, Male

San Diego, CA

Joined on 9/9/08

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