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I don't get it

I do understand that you were trying to "fight fire with fire" here, but that really never helps this particular situation. I admire your effort though, and it seems you were one of the first to speak out against spam flash.


kinda halfway here. The opening was strong and had good solid elements of a true preview, but the latter half was just a buch of clip-art-esque graphics flashing around on the screen and it became nearly unwatchable, don't take it too hard though, I do realize that this was made quite awhile ago.

Nice episode

I know these are old and pretty crudely drawn, but I enjoy them, and this is definitley a funny one, the voicework is always humorous in these, and the plot with the turtle was just hilarious.


I gotta be honest, I really don't get it, it seems like you didn't even really want to make this, so I don't understand why you posted it here. I "get it" its just not funny. Maybe we just have different senses of humor.


way too short, but nice idea here, it would be funnier if it had some sort of punchline at the end though, and it seemed like it was gonna build up to that judging by the opening writing, but then it just ended abruptly.


Way too short, the drawings were... okay I guess, but the style wasn't consitant between the faces and the clothing. There was some movement but actual animation was basically non-existant here. The dialogue was not too well written, and the fact that text was used inplace of voices detracted even more from the quality.

hahah nice

you really matched the feel of those commercials well, what song is that by the way. Also those commercials are always funny cause you have to stop and think, if that kid can hear his dog talking to him, you know he's using something a little stronger than weed. haha, keep it up.

Fucking awesome

Really great monster design in this one, I really got a kick out of the skull slugs, but they were all pretty impressive, I'm a big fan of your stuff and it was just pure luck that I stumbled into this on it's way through the portal, keep up the good work man, you're one of the coolest artists here on Newgrounds.

Scythemantis responds:

That's quite a statement! Feedback like this is what has motivated me to get a LOT more Flash done in the past few months :)


Very short but sweet, and great sense of comedic timing, the music at the end was really the cherry on the cake, and this is definitely a fun and memorable valentine's day entry.

Ben Sydnor @El-Syd

Age 38, Male

San Diego, CA

Joined on 9/9/08

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