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The concepts are very funny, but the drawings and animations don't do the potential humor, justice, so a lot of the humor gets lost in a way. Nice choice of song though, it matches the easy going nature of this flash.


Nice drawing style, it almost makes up for the lack of animation, the song is ok, but kind of distracting as well, and it may have been better with voice than with text.


not very well put together, the sounds were really not matching up with what was going on, and as long as there is sound, why are there no voices but rather that annoying repetitive "yap yap yap" audioclip, the drawings were not good, nor the animation, but if you had put it together a bit better it just might have worked.


This is pretty much good just because of how retarded it is, it is not in and of itself funny, but the whole idea of it is so rediculous, you can't help but laugh, you have a good sense of humor man, well done.


Although the joke was an obvious one once the flash started, you still did a great job of making, it funny, nice scripting and voicework, the drawings were cool for the most part, but some could use some work, and the same goes with animation, all in all though, it put a grin on my face, and I think you did a nice job with this one.


Nice drawings and animations, and yes definitely very random, but not no a bad degree, cause it was still pretty fun to watch. Oh and good job on the voicework as well.


I think what made that so great wasn't the frame by framing, which was pretty good, nor the backgrounds which were visually nice and well designed, nor the cool subtle camera movement, but rather the fact that this flash has excellent comedic timing, and just when you start to think its a serious artistic style flash, the humor takes a serious turn for the hilarious and just gets so goofy, which on it's own is good, but when combined with the beginning of the flash with the somber music, becomes completely hilarious. Well done Kyaztro.

Kyaztro responds:

Thanks, I'm usually a hit and miss kind of guy


I woudn't normally vote so high on a film piece, but the animation was pretty good too, and most importantly, it cracked me the fuck up, especially when the cigarette was lit during the fight, that was great, good work on the lightsaber graphics, and the intro was funny as well, nice ending too alaround, that was very enjoyable to watch, You're a very original, and funny flash artist, so keep em' coming RatherRandom.

RatherRandomReality responds:

Thank you, sir. I know The Force is strong with you also and you should start submitting stuff soon as well. Peace.

Ben Sydnor @El-Syd

Age 38, Male

San Diego, CA

Joined on 9/9/08

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