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completely unoriginal in more ways than one, first off, the voiceclips, BOTH OF THEM are from other sources, secondly, they have already been used together in a flash done by someone else, it is not worth it to upgrade the visuals on something that had no potential in the first place.

not funny

I have already seen three different versions of this audio clip that came out before this, and Although this one is at least drawn and animated it is both not funny in the first place, and even less funny, because its not original, and its already been done to death.


not bad for a short, but I just heard that same voice clip on an elian gonzales flash, and there was no original drawing here, besides the headwounds, so I really am not impressed with this flash at all either animation or soundwise.


If you're going to take oyur time to plan out a story, you might as well do it justice by taking the time to make drawings above a 5 year old level, and at least animate some realistic movement, rather than just sliding still figures around the screen.


decent narration but it could be better, the flash though, not too good. If, you're going to resort to stick figures and use low drawing quality, you should at least make up for it in movement and animation quality, which was not done here, also, not much originality or humor either.


kind of down the middle here, I can tel you put a lot of though and effort into the story, and the drawings weren't bad, but the animation was lazy in terms of movement, good job having both voices and text, but you don't really need text to much when voices are present. And I have to say that even though there was a story, the plot was pretty thin.


Nice narration, but the clip is from somewhere else anyway. The animation would have been better if you would have animated scenes from each changed book, rather than just still unanimated coverpages. And what's with the ring-pop thing at the end?

no real change here

Basically the exact same as the first with about 3 second more footage. Really not a good sign of effort, or of even giving a shit about how your animations turn out. Still not terrible, but repetitiveness warrants low scores.

Ben Sydnor @El-Syd

Age 38, Male

San Diego, CA

Joined on 9/9/08

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