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very random

kiinda funny, but it seems like you got lazy, especially on the dudes pants, the overall concept was good though, but a bit random, not for everyone, but I think some people would like it a lot.


The drawings were simple and effective and the animation was fine, but where this movie really stood out was in the humor department; it totally reminded me of a few people I know, and the scenes were really funny, especially the nutcrunch in the skating scene and the Greeg's hygene scene where even the fucking streetlight got knocked out. good work on this one man.


nice cliffhanger here, and good humor too with the whole 3 for 35 cents out of a can thing. I know making fun if midgets isn;t cool, but what can I say, it's just funny.


very cute little short, good sense of humor and good timing with the punchline as well, I wish it had sound, but it is still pretty good.

way too short

and it really could've used some backstory as well, this doesn;t even really feel like a finished animation to be honest, and from hwat I did see, you do have talent and could;ve done better on this one.


Thanks for the PM. This turned out really good, great work everybody, I especially enjoyed Toki911's, voiceovers and mrflub's, but they were all cool and fun to watch. Very good timing of movement as well.

Voiceover responds:

Thanks for the compliment to my own segment, but much of it is copy-and-paste patterns.

Also, I'm amazed that F4 has kept a 10 out of 10 review score.


I really enjoyed that, it was all very cool. I especially liked the short scene with the man sleeping on the fat folds of his face, the bit at the end was extremly funny as well.

fofizzle responds:

Thanks! :D I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Nice short

I enjoyed that and it really does live up to its name. You did a good job with the explanation scene as well and that crayonish animation was funny, and good ending also.

very short

but also pretty good especially for a first. I really thought you did a good job with the text part at the beginning as well, I look forward to seeing what you come up with for your next animation.

Hahahah 7 months

That was really good, nice cartooning style as well, but some of the games description pictures really had me cracking up, especially the lego one where it's just like two regular lego blocks in costume, you have a great sense of humor man, really good voicework, not the best during the harder vocals in the singing parts of the song, but not bad there either, And great ending as well.

FaltaViva responds:

Thanks, I really appreciate it.

Ben Sydnor @El-Syd

Age 38, Male

San Diego, CA

Joined on 9/9/08

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