View Profile El-Syd

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Wow great stuff

You are a completely good artist man, I can't believe I haven't run into this series before, I was about to go to bed to but I refreshed the portal one last time and I'm glad I did. I'll check your other stuff out tommorrow I guess, just remind me if possible, if not I will be sure to see it sooner or later. Love the drawings in this, and the animation and story are nice as well. Voices are well acted but could be a wee bit louder. Keep up the great work!


Cute but crazy, the whole scene was very fun to watch, drawings were simple but effective animation and timing of movements were good, and nice choice of music both for the main animation and the short clip on the ending credits. Looking forward to number eight, remind me tomorrow or sometime to swing by and review the other episodes and your other work, you have a good crazy sense of humor.

Nice episode

Very good sense of humor and was well drawn and well voiced as well, I take it this is your first official episode, but I wish you lots of luck in your future animations and look forward to seeing what all you come up with.

Very Nice

I really enjoyed that your choice of music was really great and matched the film well giving it a very cool feel to match the everchanging yet repetitive nature of the man's life, very interesting flash all in all and makes you think.


So short and the drawings are so simple but it really just hit my funny bone, I always loved the Waldo books as a kid, like they were some of my favorite books, and this is just really funny and puts a smile on my face.

pawlakt responds:

thanks for the awesome review! glad you enjoyed it!

That was pretty funny for a class project

I can't believe they wouldn't let you show that in the classroom, that shit shoulda got an A. Can I ask was there any reason in particular they wouldn't let you show it, or is your teacher just a douche-bag?

ZombieCorp responds:

My teacher is kind of a D-bag. There was no real reason except his incompetence with technology

Ben Sydnor @El-Syd

Age 38, Male

San Diego, CA

Joined on 9/9/08

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