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Excellently done, it was extremely satisfying to play this game, considering how many fun implements of death you've added and what a hateful bigot the guy is. Probably one of the best assassin games, and definitely the best of it's time.

Nice quote

It's very true and good wisdomto take to heart, nice song choice as well, but an instrumental version may be better when you have people reading text, also, although the quote IS good, it may haver been better suited to have been put on your newspost than to have a flash devoted to it.


now THAT, is some BAAAD parenting. Nice drawings, funny gag, animation could be better, and voices would have been better than text, but it was still an enjoyable flash.


coool car concept man, but with gas prices now, I just don't see it happening, haha, just kidding, but anyway, very imaginative and fun to watch, the first shot of the car lasted a little too long, and I don't think the majority of people would qualify for a pilots liscence even if flying cars were available, nice choice of music to match your theme, and a fun little flash all in all.


This was pretty cool and a lot of fun to watch. I've been going over some of these older Newgrounds flashes lately, and I just wanted to say that you were really one of the few good animators to start a trend of really entertaining flashes here. This one could have had a little more detail, in the lipsynch for one, but also a little more smoothness in the movement, but even though, I'm not really into the anime style I have to admit your drawings are good, nice facial expressioning, and really good work overall.

nice joke

Would have been better with voices rather than text and although animation could use some work drawings were pretty good. I enjoyed watching that, but for something so short, you maybe should have done a collection of jokes rather than just one.

short but sweet

the animation was actually pretty good and your drawing and cartooning style were ahead of their time for flash authors on Newgrounds in 2000. All in all well done, and it was nice while it lasted even if it was short.


I cant even see most of the words, because instead of using a background layer with your white text, you've used autobackground which does not work on all bros=wsers, so all I can see is the next button and some red text at the end. Not to mention that if this was supposed to be a tutorial, where are the pictures? And why is someone who doesn't even know better than to use autobackground trying to teach other people about how to use flash, sorry to be harsh, but I'm just being honest. I'll give you a star for trying though.

not impressed

It was kind of funny in a way but the visuals were just so bad that it made it really hard to sit through it till the end, nice humor though, just coulda used a LOT more effort.


okay, nice loader page, and the animation/drawing was okay, but it was also like one second long, and wasn't really worth the time it took to either load this page or write this review.

Ben Sydnor @El-Syd

Age 38, Male

San Diego, CA

Joined on 9/9/08

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