View Profile El-Syd

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Hell Yes

Probably one of the funniest sudden endings I've ever seen, the look on the kids face when he was waiting in anticipation was priceless, I was thinking about adding some of your movies to my favorites, but all your shit is so great, that I'm going to have to add you to favorite artists instead.

Scythemantis responds:

Aw, thanks!

Nice sound

The addition of sound really did help here and it added a lot to the whole mood of the animation. The character's gruesome appearance is so cool in this, I love the bulbousness of all the anthills on his head. All I can say is great work man.

I love this

It's so true that people make such stupid guesses as to what an animal is actually thinking, tis catoon capitalized on that very well. These two I've seen so far are good, I definitely am going to watch this whole series.

quite disgusting

This is a cool flash it reminds me of un chien andalou, dali & bunuels film. I'm of to see the sound version now, because i;m interested to see what effect it gives.

Short but sweet

I like your style of humor, animation is really good too what program did you use, boomtoons?


I love those uh oh nautilus commersials you have peppered throughout the episode, the products are fucking hilarious, and the slogans too. Also, I like the Characters being credited to Gilbert gottfried for no apparent reason, that was a nice touch.

They're gonna beat me again

This is great, I Love how it's just the head that detaches, and the bodies just stay there, I know there's only two episodes and you say the second one is the final one, but this shit is hilarious, unless they die off or something in part two you should seriously consider continuing the series.


So crazy, dark and surrealistic, I loved the design of all of the monsters, and the random sound effects really brough the whole piece together, you did a great job on this, and i'm putting it in my favorites so I can show it to friends.

Very well made

It takes a true artist to so fully convey a story with no use of dialogue and you have done exactly that great animation, and perfect choice of song to set the tone of the whole story.

Ben Sydnor @El-Syd

Age 38, Male

San Diego, CA

Joined on 9/9/08

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2,400 / 2,500
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5.72 votes
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