View Profile El-Syd

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hahaha, this whole thing had me laughing, santa's unbuttoned shirt with the two retarded reindeer supporting him, the rocky balboa turkey, and the satan getting hitler to welcome santa things were all great, good drawings and animation, Nice choice with the large screen, and EXCELLENT voicework.

Extremely cute

And great animatorial style to boot, this is definitely a great Winter submission, I really got a kick out of it and enjoyed your great smooth fbfing and your cool cartoony drawing style, not to mention the story which was cool as well, I can't believe I missed this when it first came through.

Nice little clip,

Sounds like an interesting concept, but it could never work, in fact in general, beside random users who are new to the site or don't care, most people wil not like that someone is asking for a particular rank, because it's unfair, I try to vote fairly regardless, but many people I know will actually vote lower if the author asks for a five. Nice little clip by the way, your a good animator, you should just get back to regular animation though.


In general, I don't review spam flash especially of shapes but this one caught my attention as being pretty funny, nice voicework, and good humor, other than that, I hope this shape fad ends SOON.

not bad

Nice cartooning style and good fbf at points but the unmoving walk and the automated voices really detract from the overall quality of what could've been a 10 flash.


You're drawing is ok but your animation needs a lot of work, I knoiw its not easy but just practice, draw some short fbf's of your character's face with various changing expressions, it might take you longer than what you're doing now, but the time and effort will pay off.

A joy to watch

I always dig some good claymation, and you're one of the best claymators on this site, this scene was awesome, and the sense of humor was good, keep up the good work.

Ben Sydnor @El-Syd

Age 38, Male

San Diego, CA

Joined on 9/9/08

Exp Points:
2,400 / 2,500
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Vote Power:
5.72 votes
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