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kinda lacking in the originality and humor departments, not to mention the lack of any REAL animation or drawings, and the extremely short length ofthis submission. Not really too much worth seeing here.


nicely drawn, and pretty funny to watch considering this is probably based on an actual dude. Good job on the voicework, and the bit at the end about lum images courtesy of cruel joke by god were pretty funny.


strangely amusing, it was blatantly racist toward's mexicans, but all in all as a flash it was almost shitty to the point of being good, and it had a certain goofiness to it that made it fun to watch.

Pretty funny

Good characters, and somewhat random, but still pretty funny plot. Good work on this, it was really probably the best series of it's time. I like how that hippie looking dude continually mistakes one object for another, nice voices also.


That was neither an animation, nor did it have anything to do with, truth. There was no animation, the end joke was so random, but not at all funny, and the few drawing that were there were simple to the point of looking like a 5 year old drew them.


nice voice impression, but the movie was way too short, and the animation was lazily done, not to mention its not even drawn animation, its just a photo with a moving jaw.

not bad actually

This was a pretty decent trailer actually, the drawings are decent, and although some of the animation is oversimplifieded, it still, gave a good preview effect and was enjoyable to watch, to be honest though, I was expecting a comedy or parody of the actual trailer.

heh, ok

nice graphic quality in this one, better in that aspect than most flashes of its time, the screen could have been bigger though, started out cute, but then the farmer joke was a bit predictable, but I have to hand it you , there's just something about energetic, funky 70's music, that when added to an old farmer raping a goat joke, makes it pretty laughable, oh, and nice timing to the music too.

nope, sorry

the voice is so low pitched that the words are kind of unintelligible, and THe drawings and animation lead me to believe that I wouldn't really be missing out on anything even if I could understand the words.

Ben Sydnor @El-Syd

Age 38, Male

San Diego, CA

Joined on 9/9/08

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