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nearly unwatchable, it was just a bunch of still pictures and text and pretty much the only animation was mouth movement, which for one isn't too impressive, and for two, is kind of lazy.


not bad, drawing and animation both coulda been a lot better, but you really made up for it with it being a pretty decent spoof, There was kinda some weird liney shit going on in the grass whn they were walking across the map, which also kinda lowered the quality a bit, but I can tell you probably had a lot of fun making this.


nice sketch, drawing and sound were decent, there wasn't really a lot of movement or animation though, but I think it did make for an ok short all in all, and it was at least worth seeing once.


It was okay, and you had pretty good drawings and voicework, but there wasn't much animation or really any sort of plot or story to go along with it. I think it may have been better if it showed pacman after he was high doing something funny, maybe in his game or whatever, rather than just ending without anything happening.


nice, that was by far the best of the wazzup flashes I've seen so far, good drawings and animation and excellent and funny voicework, The best part was definitely L Ron HubTard, that shit cracked me up.


Pretty good short here, nice drawings and good sound as well, there were points when he was trying to pop it where his head was shaking and the reflection wasn't but aside from that you did a great job of timing movement of the character with movement of the reflection. Keep up the good work.

nice Vday flash

I like your sketchy style, it is very loose and fun. The facial proportions seem a bit off, but your frame by framing was good, and although it was short, it was a nice one and enjoyable to watch.


VERY short, but well drawn and animated and fun to watch while it lasted, I wish it didn't end so suddenly though, it really looked like it was going to go somewhere, nice list of random insults as well, keep up the good work, but next time try a more climactic ending maybe.

Pandangerous responds:

yeah i use the list everyday and i would have ended it on an epic thing but i was tired and tought mabye ill edit it and resubmit later.

not bad

Even though it's just a loop it's pretty cool. That, and I have to admit you really did a lot with a little, your focus on the subtle eye movements really payed off and gave a good effect when combined with the audio.

KiteOfDark responds:

Thanks for the appreciation. =)


Totally unromantic but very well comedically timed as a short. Nice drawings and nice use of textured background as well, the animation was smooth, but I do wish it was just a bit longer all in all. Keep up the good work man, looking forward to seing more.

Insanimation responds:

Thanks, I'll try make it longer in the future..

Ben Sydnor @El-Syd

Age 38, Male

San Diego, CA

Joined on 9/9/08

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