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this one is kinda hard to rate, some of the drawings are not too good, while others are pretty good, the animation is the same way some parts seemed like they had more effort put into them than others, the only major drawback though was that repetitive sound clip, you'd've been better off just letting the song play straight through.


Why did it get to be so fricking humongous when it hit ground level, good timing, but it was still a bad joke, if there was more effort put into the drawings this could have been a little better, but even then this gag really isn't a lot to work with.


for a whazzzup skit with minimal animation, it actually wasn't to bad, that being said it didn't have any significant value in terms of artwork or animation, and it wasn't really a very memorable piece.


so true. I've seen that old film before, I too thought it was completely retarded, so way to spoof it man. I like how they're just skeletons at the end to emphasise how futile the duck and cover move is, in reality they'd be even less than that. It really makes you wonder if people did any research or used any common sense whatsoever back in the 50's before producing one of those films.


goos drawings decent animation, and good timing on the humor as well, I have to point out though, that that's pretty much what they do at slaughterhouses though, so an alien should maybe do something a bot more elaborate for entertainment value, I still enjoyed this short though.


drawings and animation are fine, but timing and physics are way off, which is something you notice in a skate flash. Pretty good all in all but a little more blood would hurt.

Nice short

could have used sound or narration, but other than that it was pretty amusing. The pace of the words on the screen was a little too slow, except for the last line which should have stayed on about a second or so longer. Nice visual joke as well.


nice work, the repetive button voices got a bit annoying, but the character designs and general plot both made up for that by being pretty funny, I didn't know TROMA made animations, but this is the sort of thig I would expect from them, and from your submission list, I'm guessing there are some other funny ones to be seen as well.


short and simple, drawings could have been better, but animation was okay, for something so juvinile, it was pretty fun to watch though and I got a kick out of it. definitely better done than mystery of the night, and I'm gussing it was a fun one to make as well.

Ben Sydnor @El-Syd

Age 38, Male

San Diego, CA

Joined on 9/9/08

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