View Profile El-Syd

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rediculous to the point of being funny, drawings and animation could have been better, but the whole idea is just so goofy that it really gives the flash some character, and I definitely got a good kick out of watching it. I know it's old, but I like it.


it was alright, good sound quality and use of sound clips. I can tell you're trying to use an autobackround rather than make a background layer though. cause darth maul was just the red marks on his face the top of his hood, and an outline floating in white.


drawings were fine but it was really just three seconds of movie broken up into three sections which is kind of a rip off if you ask me, and beside putting the objects in his mouth, nothing really seems to happen at all.

ps, what's with the trashbag?


nice work on the background drawing, but both the character drawing and the animation could have been better, the shitty animation was still done in a funny way though, so it's not all bad, and it goes to show you can make a flash about anything here on Newgrounds.


quality wise all in all it's pretty much the same as the first. I am neither promoting, nor knoking pokemon, But I gotta ask, if you hate them, why spend hours (or maybe minutes) making flashes about them.


there are too many of these pokemon cutout animations, I don't see why so many people got so upset over the shit. Anyway, this one was not too bad, it at least kinda had a plot, very good use of both music and timing here.


This really did hve a good movie trailer feel to it, great job with both the visuals and choice of music. That song fit the game well, and it fit your trailer pretty well too, there were points where I thought the narrative voice should have been louder in relation to the song but other than that, nice work on the subtle facial animations, and good work all in all.


it's actually not terrible for something so short, yeah it could really use a lot of work, but you chose the right song for this situation., designed a very funny looking character, and knew when to cut it short. Even though this wasn;t great, I can tell you have some skill, and am looking forward to seeing your others so I can see how fast you made progression as an animator.


Nice use of drawing and animation for the most part. the character design was pretty well done and funny as well, I think the addition of options at the end scene was a good idea on your part, and I imagine that you had fun making this one.

Ben Sydnor @El-Syd

Age 38, Male

San Diego, CA

Joined on 9/9/08

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