Really nice
I always enjoy a good story about a flawed utopia and you pulled this one off very well. The plain and angular style present throughout your animation emphasized this cultures lack of individuality, and truly set the stage for your story. Also, I would say it even parallels modern society to a degree, (as do I suppose most storys warning us about a future with absolute control) You may have, for example noticed the change in architecture over just this last century, I don't know if you live in a city, but if you can, take a look at a builing buils around 1900, you may notice the Precise artistic details, the Innovative personalized architecture, and the overall character of the building, On the other hand take a look at any of the many dozens of faceless impersonal Condos, which are doubtlessly being built at a rediculous rate somewhere in your general vicinity, you may notice their cold sterility, and lack of artistic influence. I'm rambling, but in short, your flash really rings true, and should hopefully give viewers something to mull over for awhile, as this piece truly is a possible portrayal of the path our society is leading us down. Best of luck in your future flashes, you're a great storyteller.