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First off, I gotta say, Kickass title, man. other than that you have very good drawings and although the animatin itself could've used more movement and I usually prefer voices over text, this piece had a nice "comic strip" feel to it, that kind of emphasizes the theme pretty well.


I'm not sure if this is supposed to be somthing or not, but nothing is really happening when I open this, and I get the impression that that's how you intended it to be, but I just don't know that I really get the point of things like this.


This movie is offensive, not due to the violence, but as an animator, anyone can see that no work went into this beyond the bare minimum, part one was better than this, and you usually expect to see small improvments in sequals since the animator should have a bit more practice by then, but hey, don't take it too harsh, this is an old review after all.


nice short and very effective gag, the drawings could've been better though all in all, and the use of voices rather than text would've been better perhaps, but you still did a good job of getting the story across, and that's what counts in the end. And you have a good sense of timing for comedy as well.


not bad for a dbz spoof, the drawings would've looked better with the pencil or brush tool than with the line tool,, but the visuall effect was okay all the same. The general plot could've been a bit funnier, but it wasn't bad, and at least you restrained yourself from using the "it's over 9000" line here, which gets so overused here. Anyway nice little spoof all in all. not a stunner, but fun while it lasted.


a lot more amusing than the name would imply, the dancing animation was so goofy and funny and although the sound quality is a bit off, and the drawings and animation were a bit crude, I found it somewhat humorous, I can't exactly explain why though, it just was, maybe I've just been up to long and should just get my ass to sleep.


The drawings were alright, but the animation wasn't very animated, and I have a secret suspicion the animator was higher than his animation at time of production, haha, things always seem better when your high I guess, but I guess it got submitted before you came back down.


nice song parody, but the effect would have been much funnier if you animated it rather than using stillshot photos. still though, this is an alright spoof, and I enjoyed it while it lasted I suppose.


It was alright but more detail could've gone in all around and especially on the drawings, the gun looked more like a steel measuring square than a pistol, and the animation looked either rushed or lazy, I don't find it offensive or anything, but not especially entertaining either.

Ben Sydnor @El-Syd

Age 38, Male

San Diego, CA

Joined on 9/9/08

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