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Cool first submission man, I wish the voices were just a bit louder/clearer, but it was still pretty enjoyable to watch. I think that the music in the end credits was pretty cool too so kudos to Cody as well. The effect of the cops marching in to drag them away was pretty funny as well and I definitlely think you pulled off a successful first entry.


funny premise, but I've seen it used way too much, the voices were kinda annoying as well, and the plot didn't really go anywhere or have any good punchlines, but the dialogue itself is alright though.

very short

I wish it had sound rather than text, but like you say in the comments, it is pretty old and all. I never heard of a shotgun with a lazer scope, but the splitting effect was good because it was unexpected. The premise of fat kid with bad luck sounds pretty funny, so if you ever get back into making flashes, you may want to pursue that idea.


It was very short, and I'm not exactly sure why but I got a real kick out of this one, the drawings and voice for the dude behind the register was really freakish and funny, and the joke was a very relevant one to anyone who's had to deal with idiots getting an order wrong.

no way

Why did you make this, there was no effort put in to make it memorable, but it probably took five minutes out of your life, that you could have been doing something with, and yeah I know I'm a hypocrit when it comes to talking about wasting time.


I understand the joke here, and it could be funny, but the lazyness used in making this flash really ruins the comedic effect of the joke, you have a good sense of humor, don't let it go to waste by rushing your work.


That was pretty funny, I thing you did a great job of stringing that whole process together, and the face being used as the pie crust was really a great ending joke the the piece, that and the line, "it's either this or the ass. This really reminds me of what originally made newgrounds so fun.

Way too short

I thought it coulda been longer, but for what you had here, it was probably this right length, You maybe should have added some sort of dialogue or plot to make that decapitation at the end make a bit more sense.


I'm confused, I don't know whether to like it or hate it in one way it's kinda shittly but in another it kinda rocks, I usually like to be specific, but I don't really know what to say about his piece except that it's crazy I guess, and I had been wondering about the original in the series for awhile.


usually overly simplified drawings detrat from the overall feel of a flash, but you have a good sense of humor, and I think that the simplicity of the farmer fucking the sheep is what made it so funny.

Ben Sydnor @El-Syd

Age 38, Male

San Diego, CA

Joined on 9/9/08

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