View Profile El-Syd

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really short, I can sense that this is probably not the best you can do, I say that because although you just used stick figures, and it was pretty short you did a good job with the sound, especially for a first submission, and judging from the fact that you drew the ak47 pretty well I would guess that you are actually hiding a good deal of your skill in this animation. For your next animation, really give it a lot of effort, cause I have a feeling you could evole into quite the flash artist if you wanted to.


Nice short here, the animation is so "alive" and combined with the music which goes very wel with it it makes this a lot of fun to watch, I think it ended a little too abruptly, but at least you ended it in traditional newgrounds style with a cock joke. you have a cool animation style man, looking forward to your next piece.

Mechabloby responds:

glad you liked it. haha, i'm shocked with the decent reviews this movie is getting. It's something I'd shite out without effort and all.

not bad

pretty good animation here, good sense of movement, and nice timing of the sound effects, the scarf probably been a little more animated though, especially during the part where he's telling the other guy to close his eyes, cause it just seems like it's sticking out of his neck there, but since it's not moving, it doesn't look like it's being held up by wind. Also, you should try to find music to match your fight scene. other than that, good job man.

globep responds:

Thankyou , I just nead to learn how to make music stop a certain parts .
EDIT : And yeah I suck when it comes to scarves .

Nice Claymation

Very fluid movement in this animation, very creative, and just plain fun to watch, I have a soft spot for claymation, so I always enjoy when one of newgrounds claymators comes out with a new piece, keep up the good work man, And let me know when your nexxt one is coming out as well.


Thanks El-Syd! I didn't think you'd turn up again, knowing that some reviewers leave a review and never appear again.


it was like the miniature schnauzer version of natural born killers. I thought it was short but still pretty funny due to the funny concept.


aside from the whole death, and alien style chest birth, I bet some idiots actually would use a tapeworm to lose weight, after all, think about how many people use botchellism (botox) just to look a little less wrinkly.


It was very short and simple, but I got a kick out of it, I thought that it could've used more optios though, but you are right when you say in your comments that the important thing, is that you have fun making it.

very short

I wish it were a little longer/ had more options, and the drawings could have been better, but for a short piece, it was actually pretty fun and reminds me of what made old school newgrounds so fun.


seems to just be a play on southpark, drawing and animation were kinda lazy, and there were no voices. all in all it's not bad, it just could have been a lot better.

liquidash responds:

It absolutely blows my mind that people are still writing reviews of this, but thanks. these are hilarious to read.

Ben Sydnor @El-Syd

Age 38, Male

San Diego, CA

Joined on 9/9/08

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